Targa Newfoundland

It is official TEAM928 has taken up the challenge of Targa Newfoundland.  This race is the only one of it's kind in North America and offers a 1,600 kilometre tour of Newfoundland's wonders of natural beauty. The annual event has become a tradition in Newfoundland and is now celebrating its 15th anniversary.  Every year this event proves to be an excellent life experience for everyone involved. To the right is a snap of the official tweet declaring the entry of TEAM928.

TEAM928 is already well under way with preparations and logistics needed to ensure the team and car are ready and able to complete the 5 day event.  We will be bringing you blog posts and videos of our work as we progress to completion. Look for the "Targa Newfoundland" under the "navigate by Adventure" menu on the right hand side of the blog for all the related entries.

As part of this adventure we are asking followers to donate to Canadian Cancer Society to help fight Cancer and support life saving Cancer Research.  Look for the "Donate & Fight Caner" link on the right hand menu of the blog.  Our target goal is $2000 and we ask everyone's support to make this happen.  We have all been touched by this horrible disease and anything we can do wipe it out is a cause worth fighting.  Every donation no matter how small helps and is greatly appreciated.

Also in the right hand menu you will see a "Donate & Support The Team" link.  This link helps us fund the adventure and helps cover the costs of bring this content to you.  After you have donated to the target charity for the adventure please consider a small "tip" to help the team keep things rolling and keep the flow of content coming.  
We are looking for Sponsors! If you are interested in getting you company logo on the car, being included in our posts and videos related to this adventure and even have the team & car part to of a publicity campaign please contact us.  We can be reached via sponsor@team928.com and we are ready to discuss any proposal you may have.  Please put "Sponsor TEAM928" in the subject line so we give you our immediate attention.  We greatly appreciate your consideration and look forward to discussing the opportunity.

We look forward it sharing this adventure with all of you and welcome all your feed back, suggestions and support as we progress.  We hope you will all join us on this grand adventure and all the trials and tribulations that lead up to it.  It will be great deal of fun and we hope you all enjoy it as much as we enjoy bringing it to you.

All the Best!